Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

MSc. Yasmina Ourradi

PhD student
Ocean Systems (OCS)
PhD student
Universiteit Utrecht
Gert-Jan Reichart

Linked news

Saturday 04 June 2022
Measurement project for methane from the North Sea seabed started
In several places, methane escapes from the seabed of the North Sea. Methane is a strong greenhouse gas and its emission into the sea and subsequent release into the atmosphere can contribute to global warming. Recent German research suggests that…

Linked blogs

Monday 23 October 2023
Methane emission in the North Sea II
Methane escapes from the seabed of the North Sea in various places. Recent German research suggested that this mainly occurs in the vicinity of abandoned wells. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas and its release into the sea and subsequent release…
Monday 13 February 2023
64PE513 NIOZ@Sea blog: The BEYΩND expedition
Many marine plants and animals use carbonate minerals to build their shells and skeletons. The most well-known examples include coral and shellfish, but several important groups of plankton (organisms that spend their lives afloat in the ocean) do…