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2016-2020 PhD “Environmental conditions influencing deep sea sponge
grounds through time”
NIOZ- Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
2014-2016 Master of Science in Agricultural Science/ Crop Science
Christian Albrechts-University Kiel
2011-2014 Master of Science in Biological Oceanography
Christian Albrechts-University Kiel /GEOMAR- Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Master thesis: “Structure of benthic communities from the Kattegat in relation to environmental drivers and historical data”

Internships/Professional Experience
August-Sept. 2017 One-week research cruise on the Martha L. Black - Canadian shelf
Sampling for the SponGES project (Lander deployment, in-situ chambers, CTD)
July-August 2017 Three-week research cruise on the RV G.O. Sars - Norway, North Atlantic, Barents Sea
Sampling for the SponGES project (Lander deployments, in-situ chambers, CTD, boxcores)
June-July 2016 Three-week research cruise on the RV Pelagia - Mid Atlantic Ridge, Azores
Sampling for the SponGES project (CTD, boxcores, video frame)
May 2016 One-week research cruise on the RV Pelagia - North Sea
Sediment and water sampling, lander deployment
Aug.-Oct. 2015 Two-month expedition on the RV POLARSTERN - Arctic
Benthic respiration rates, biogeochemical fluxes and sediment oxygen profiles
November 2013 Two-week internship Senckenberg Institute – Wilhelmshaven Department for Marine Research
Analysis of benthic samples of the North Sea
October 2012 Two-week research cruise on the RV ALKOR - Kattegat
Benthos and plankton sampling
August 2012 Two-week internship - Calvi, France
Fish ecology and aquaculture course
2013-2015 Student Employee
- Public relations work for the GAME-project “Do micro plastics harm benthic invertebrates?”
- Maintenance of an experiment for the project “Adaptation and co-evolution of fouling resistance: the drivers of algal invasion success?”
- Determination of benthic species and assistance during field work for the project " Neobiota in schleswig-holsteinischen Haefen"
- Supervision of a student excursion on the RV ALKOR and RV LITTORINA