Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

MSc. Tara Mahendrarajah

Phone number
+31 (0)222 36 9365

Linked news

Thursday 29 August 2024
Tracing the evolutionary history of cellular life
What shape does the 'tree of life' have? This visual framework representing the evolutionary relationships between and among organisms from our ancient microbial ancestors to today, was a focal point of the PhD of NIOZ biologist Tara Mahendrarajah.…
Tuesday 21 November 2023
Looking for ‘LUCA’ and the timing of cellular evolution
LUCA, the ‘last universal common ancestor’ of all living organisms, lived 4.32 to at most 4.52 billion years ago. This is indicated by a study from NIOZ biologists Tara Mahendrarajah and senior author Anja Spang, with collaborating partners from…
Monday 10 May 2021
Rooted tree key to understanding bacterial evolution
The findings of a new study, published in the journal Science last week, demonstrate how integrating vertical descent and horizontal gene transfer can be used to infer the root of the bacterial tree and the nature of the last bacterial common…

NIOZ publications

  • 2024
    Mahendrarajah, T.A. (2024). Tracing the evolutionary history of cellular life. PhD Thesis. Utrecht University: Utrecht. ISBN 978-94-93391-22-2. 1-314 pp.
    Moody, E.R.R.; Álvarez-Carretero, S.; Mahendrarajah, T.A.; Clark, J.W.; Betts, H.C.; Dombrowski, N.; Szánthó, L.L.; Boyle, R.A.; Daines, S.; Chen, X.; Lane, N.; Yang, Z.; Shields, G.A.; Szöllosi, G.J.; Spang, A.; Pisani, D.; Williams, T.A.; Lenton, T.M.; Donoghue, P.C.J. (2024). The nature of the last universal common ancestor and its impact on the early Earth system. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8(9): 1654-1666.
  • 2023
    Mahendrarajah, T.A.; Moody, E.R.R.; Schrempf, D.; Szánthó, L.L.; Dombrowski, N.; Davín, A.A.; Pisani, D.; Donoghue, P.C.J.; Szöllosi, G.J.; Williams, T.A.; Spang, A. (2023). ATP synthase evolution on a cross-braced dated tree of life. Nature Comm. 14(1): 7456.
  • 2022
    Spang, A.; Mahendrarajah, T.A.; Offre, P.; Stairs, C.W. (2022). Evolving perspective on the origin and diversification of cellular life and the virosphere. Genome Biology and Evolution 14(6): evac034.