Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Phone number
+31 (0)222 36 9483
  • Ecology
  • Evolution
  • Population dynamics
  • Structured Population Models, Integral Projection Models
  • Gulls, Black-tailed Godwits

Dr. Roos Kentie


Research interests

How do seabirds respond to rapid changes at the North Sea?

My research focusses on understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes that determine the dynamics of biological populations. In this era of global climate change and large scale human induced habitat change, the pressure to respond adequately is stronger than ever. If animals are incapable of responding to environmental change, declines in numbers, and possibly extinctions, are inevitable. In my research I combine ecology and evolution to understand adaptations to rapid environmental change in the wild, and its effect on population dynamics.

As NIOZ researcher, I am part of the gull research team. I particularly focus on the link of individual specialisation, movement ecology and population dynamics of Herring Gulls and Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

Using GPS tracking, in colaboration with the University of Amsterdam and Waardenburg Ecology, I study North Sea use of large gulls, in relation to fisheries and wind farms.



Gull colony on Texel.




2024 - present
Postdoctoral researcher at NIOZ

2019 - 2023
Postdoctoral research at IBED, University of Amsterdam

2018 - 2019       
Postdoctoral researcher at NIOZ

Research Fellow at Department of Zoology, University of Oxford. Newton International Fellow, Royal Society

Postdoctoral researcher at University of Groningen

PhD-student at Univeristy of Groningen



Please find my list of publications at the bottom of this webpage or on [GoogleScholar]. You can download all my publications on [ResearchGate].


Professional education

2015 PhD: "Spatial demography of Black-tailed Godwits. Metapopulation dynamics in a fragmented agricultural landscape". Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Promotors: Prof T. Piersma and Prof C. Both

2006 MSc: Biology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 



Awards and Prizes

Newton International Fellowship Alumni Award (2019-2020)

KNAW Ecology fund (2019-2020) 

BOU ornithological research grant (2019) ( 

Newton International Research Fellowship awarded by The Royal Society (2016-2018). Host institution: Department of Zoology, University of Oxford



MSc projects

Various MSc projects are available year-round. They range from field projects (April - July), to lab projects and projects where you learn to analyse large quantities of data. Contact me for details, or check the NIOZ internship webpage




Linked news

Friday 26 June 2020
Blog on gull research | Fish and chicks
UvA/NIOZ researcher Roos Kentie tells us about her fieldwork and research. 'A few nests of unfortunate gulls got predated, but most eggs of the Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls in our research colony on the south tip of Texel have hatched. Gull…
Wednesday 22 January 2020
Public lectures by NIOZ scientists at Ecomare
In February and March, 7 NIOZ scientists will give 4 public lectures at Ecomare. The lectures are a run-up to the new exhibition Wonderlijk Wad that will be opened at the beginning of May at Ecomare. The main language is Dutch, tickets cost € 5,-,…

Linked blogs

Friday 26 June 2020
Gulls | Fish and chicks
UvA/NIOZ researcher Roos Kentie tells us about her fieldwork and research. 'A few nests of unfortunate gulls got predated, but most eggs of the Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls in our research colony on the south tip of Texel have hatched. Gull…
Read more

NIOZ publications

  • 2024
    Jaggi, H.; Zuo, W.; Kentie, R.; Gaillard, J.-M.; Coulson, T.; Tuljapurkar, S. (2024). Density dependence shapes life‐history trade‐offs in a food‐limited population. Ecol. Lett. 27(11): e14551.
    Rijsdijk, K.F.; Croll, J.C.; Hume, J.P.; Janoo, A.; Aguilée, R.; De Groeve, J.; Kentie, R.; Schilthuizen, M.; Warren, B.H.; Claessens, L.P.A.M. (2024). Sea level rise and the evolution of aggression on islands. iScience 27(11): 111236.
  • 2023
    Camphuysen, C.J.; van Donk, S.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Kentie, R. (2023). The Annual Cycle, Breeding Biology and Feeding Ecology of the Lesser Black-Backed Gull Larus fuscus. Ardea 112(1).
    Kentie, R.; Morgan Brown, J. ; Camphuysen, C.J.; Shamoun-Baranes, J. (2023). Distance doesn't matter: migration strategy in a seabird has no effect on survival or reproduction. Proc. - Royal Soc., Biol. Sci. 290(1997): 20222408.
  • 2022
    Kentie, R.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Spaans, A.L.; Camphuysen, C.J. (2023). Spatial patterns in age‐ and colony‐specific survival in a long‐lived seabird across 14 contrasting colonies. Ibis 165(1): 82-95.
  • 2021
    Camphuysen, C.J.; Kentie, R. (2021). Broedpoging van Geelpootmeeuw Larus michahellis op Texel in 2021. NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research: Den Burg. 4 pp.
    Foekema, E.; van der Molen, J.; Asjes, A.; Bijleveld, A.; Brasseur, S.; Camphuysen, K. (C.J.); Van Franeker, J.A.; Holthuijsen, S.; Kentie, R.; Kühn, S.; Leopold, M.; Kleine Schaars, L.; Lok, T.; Niemann, H.; Schop, J. (2021). Ecologische effecten van het incident met de MSC Zoe op het Nederlandse Waddengebied, met focus op microplastics. NIOZ-rapport, 2021(03). NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research: Texel. 98 pp.
    Laidlaw, R.A.; Smart, J.; Ewing, H.; Franks, S.E.; Belting, H.; Donaldson, L.; Hilton, G.M.; Hiscock, N.; Hoodless, A.N.; Hughes, B.; Jarrett, N.S.; Kentie, R.; Kleyheeg, E.; Lee, R.; Roodbergen, M.; Scott, D.M.; Short, M.J.; Syroechkovskiy, E.E.; Teunissen, W.; Ward, H.; White, G.; Gill, J.A. (2021). Predator management for breeding waders: a review of current evidence and priority knowledge gaps. Wader Study 128(1): 44-55.
  • 2020
    Kentie, R. (2020). Book review: Landfill. Ibis 162(3): 1096-1105.
    Kentie, R.; Clegg, S.M.; Tuljapurkar, S.; Gaillard, J.-M.; Coulson, T. (2020). Life‐history strategy varies with the strength of competition in a food‐limited ungulate population. Ecol. Lett. 23(5): 811-820.
    van der Velde, E.; Kentie, R.; Piersma, T.; Rakhimberdiev, E.; Hooijmeijer, J. (2020). De Grutto Monitor 2012-2019: De vinger aan de pols van de grutto-populatie met een actueel overzicht van de demografische parameters op basis van langjarig veldonderzoek in Súdwest Fryslân. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG): Groningen.
    van der Zwet, Z.; Camphuysen, K.; van der Meer, M.; Kentie, R. (2020). Van kuikenbloed naar kuikendieet. Tussen Dijk en Duin 1: 7-10
    Verhoeven, M.A.; Loonstra, A.H.J.; McBride, A.D.; Tinbergen, J.M.; Kentie, R.; Hooijmeijer, C.E.W.; Both, C.; Senner, N.R.; Piersma, T. (2020). Variation in egg size of Black-tailed Godwits. Ardea 107(3): 291-302.
  • 2019
    Loonstra, A.H.J.; Verhoeven, M.A.; Senner, N.R.; Hooijmeijer, J.C.E.W. ; Piersma, T.; Kentie, R. (2019). Natal habitat and sex-specific survival rates result in a male-biased adult sex ratio. Behav. Ecol. 30(3): 843-851.
    Senner, N.R.; Verhoeven, M.A.; Abad-Gómez, J.M.; Alves, J.A.; Hooijmeijer, J.C.E.W. ; Howison, R.A.; Kentie, R.; Loonstra, A.H.J.; Masero, J.A.; Rocha, A.; Stager, M; Piersma, T. (2019). High migratory survival and highly variable migratory behavior in black-tailed godwits. Ecol. Evol. 7: 96.
  • 2018
    Bom, R.A.; van Gils, J.A.; Oosterbeek, K.; Deuzeman, S.; de Fouw, J; Kwarteng, A.Y.; Kentie, R. (2018). Demography of a stable population of crab plovers wintering in Oman. J. Ornithol. 159(2): 517-525.
    Howison, R.A.; Piersma, T.; Kentie, R.; Hooijmeijer, C.E.W.; Olff, H. (2018). Quantifying landscape-level land-use intensity patterns through radar-based remote sensing. J. Appl. Ecol. 55(3): 1276-1287.
    Kentie, R.; Coulson, T.; Hooijmeijer, J.C.E.W. ; Howison, R.A.; Loonstra, A.H.J.; Verhoeven, M.A.; Both, C.; Piersma, T. (2018). Warming springs and habitat alteration interact to impact timing of breeding and population dynamics in a migratory bird. Glob. Chang. Biol. 24(11): 5292-5303.
    Marquez-Ferrando, R.; Remisiewicz, M.; Masero, J.A.; Kentie, R.; Senner, N.; Verhoeven, M.A.; Hooijmeijer, C.E.W.; Pardal, S.; Sarasa, M.; Piersma, T.; Figuerola, J. (2018). Primary moult of continental Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa limosa in the Doñana wetlands, Spain. Bird Study 56(1): 132-139.
  • 2017
    Bos, D.; Kentie, R.; Hoekstra, G.; van der Heide, Y.; Wymenga, E.; Hoekema, F; Hooijmeijer, J.; Piersma, T. (2017). Effecten van habitatverlies op grutto en andere weidevogels. Levende Nat. 118(2): 40-46
    Brandsma, O.H.; Kentie, R.; Piersma, T. (2017). Why did Lapwings Vanellus vanellus in managed habitat advance egg laying during a period without warming early springs? Ardea 105(1): 19-26.
    Kentie, R.; Marquez-Ferrando, R.; Figuerola, J.; Gangoso, L.; Hooijmeijer, C.E.W.; Loonstra, A.H.J.; Robin, F.; Sarasa, M.; Senner, N.; Valkema, H.; Verhoeven, M.A.; Piersma, T. (2017). Does wintering north or south of the Sahara correlate with timing and breeding performance in black-tailed godwits? Ecol. Evol. 7(8): 2812-2820. 10.1002/ece3.2879
  • 2016
    Kentie, R.; Senner, N.R.; Hooijmeijer, C.E.W.; Márquez-Fernando, R.; Figuerola, J.; Masero, J.A.; Verhoeven, M.A.; Piersma, T. (2016). Estimating the size of the Dutch breeding population of Continental Black-tailed Godwits from 2007–2015 using resighting data from spring staging sites. Ardea 104(3): 213-225.
  • 2015
    Kentie, R.; Both, C.; Hooijmeijer, C.E.W.; Piersma, T. (2015). Management of modern agricultural landscapes increases nest predation rates in Black-tailed Godwits Limosa Limosa. Ibis 157: 416-425.
    Senner, N.R.; Verhoeven, M.A.; Abad-Gómez, J.; Gutiérrez, J.S.; Hooijmeijer, J.C.E.W.; Kentie, R.; Masero, J.A.; Tibbitts, T.L; Piersma, T. (2015). When Siberia came to the Netherlands: the response of continental black-tailed godwits to a rare spring weather event. J. Anim. Ecol. 84: 1164-1176.
  • 2014
    Kentie, R.; Both, C.; Hooijmeijer, J.W.E.W.; Piersma, T. (2014). Age-dependent dispersal and habitat choice in black-tailed godwits Limosa limosa Limosa across a mosaic of traditional and modern grassland habitatsgrassland habitats. J. Avian Biol. 45: 396-405.