Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Rachel Ndhlovu

Research Assistant
Phone number
+31 (0)222 36 9459
Research Assistant
Universiteit Utrecht
Helge Niemann

Linked news

Thursday 06 April 2023
Lauded microbiologist Jill Banfield visits NIOZ
Earth scientist Professor Jill Banfield of the University of California at Berkeley received the Van Leeuwenhoek Medal yesterday, during the annual meeting of the Royal Dutch Society for Microbiology. This award for influential (micro)biologists has…
Monday 23 January 2023
Bacteria really eat plastic
The bacterium Rhodococcus ruber eats and actually digests plastic. This has been shown in laboratory experiments by PhD student Maaike Goudriaan at Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). Based on a model study with plastic in artificial…
Wednesday 11 January 2023
Sunlight pulps the plastic soup
UV light from the sun slowly breaks down plastics on the ocean’s surfaces. Floating microplastic is broken down into ever smaller, invisible nanoplastic particles that spread across the entire water column, but also to compounds that can then be…