Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

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Research interests

Within the framework of the EMERGO-Project I am interested in ecological patterns and processes of tidal flats. I am investigating the spatio-temporal morphodynamics of tidal flats and how they influence the benthic community. In reverse I am studying the effects of bioturbation of different macrozoobenthic communities on the tidal flat morphology.


Short CV

2017-present          PhD EMERGO-Project

                                  “Ecological patterns and processes on tidal flats - from understanding to management”

                                   Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Yerseke

2013-2015               M. Sc. Marine Biology at University of Rostock


                                 “The influence of the sampling strategy on the description of ecosystem functioning“

                                  Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde                    

2009 – 2013           B. Sc. Biology at University of Bremen


                                “Macrozoobenthic production depending on environmental gradients (Sylt Outer Reef)“

                                 Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research,
