Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
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+31 (0)222 36 9357
Head of Scientific Department

Prof. Dr. Myron Peck

Head of Scientific Department

‘Not just gloom and doom in changing seas’

Biological oceanographer Myron Peck is head of the Department of Coastal Systems at NIOZ. Apart from his management tasks, Peck researches the effects of changing environmental conditions on growth, reproduction and dispersal of numerous animal species. “I am particularly interested in commercially interesting fish species.”

Activity threshold

“With my group, we use laboratory experiments to help understand how marine food webs will respond to warming temperatures or changing acidity and oxygen levels. For example, fish are cold-blooded and increase their swimming and feeding activity with increasing temperature. As these activities increase, the oxygen demand grows as well and, after some warm threshold, a species will start to feed and grow poorly. How do those thresholds and sensitivities compare for traditional species and newer species entering our regional waters? Can fish adapt to these changes by altering where they feed and when they reproduce? When combined with information on fish diets in the field, all of this information can be used in computer models to test the potential effects of climate change on the food web.”

Every disadvantage… holds a chance

From an ecological point of view, climate change is an unwanted and bad outcome of human activities. However, some fisheries might profit in the future if they are ready to move away from traditional species (herring and cod are likely climate losers in our area) and move towards fishing newcomers. Our work at NIOZ helps understand ecological change and predict the winners and losers to provide much needed science-based advice to policymakers developing climate change adaptation policies.”

Future of the sea

“Sustainable fisheries is one of three pillars under the international EU-project Future Mares, that I coordinate. Within this project, we look at so-called Nature-Based Solutions. That means we try to find possibilities to use the power of nature to protect and restore ecosystems.”

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Research interests

My research interests encompass a broad range of aspects relating to functioning and drivers of estuarine and marine species and ecosystems particularly:

  • coupling of species life history and physiology including evaluating abiotic and biotic factors impacting vital rates (growth, survival, feeding, reproduction) of populations;
  • utilisation of bioenergetics, individual-based and biophysical models to explore various issues such feeding-growth and the spatial and temporal dynamics of transport / connectivity;
  • social-ecological issues surrounding the sustainable exploitation of living marine resources and advancing aquaculture;
  • projecting the impacts of climate change and other (interacting) anthropogenic drivers to provide science-based advice needed by managers and policymakers.

My group’s research includes field, laboratory and modeling studies conducted on key members of food webs from plankton (including copepods to gelatinous species) to various life stages of estuarine and marine fish species with emphasis on early life stages of ecologically and commercially important fishes. Several ongoing research programs are utilizing spatially-explicit, biophysical modelling approaches including end-to-end models (from physics to fish to fisheries). Central to advancing an understanding of social-ecological systems includes research integrating stakeholders such as industry (transdisciplinary research).






Please find my list of publications at the bottom of this webpage or on Google Scholar.  You can download all my publications on ResearchGate


Professional education



Awards and Prizes





Linked news

Friday 14 February 2025
Information about the entire intertidal Wadden Sea available for research and management
With a recent publication in the journal Scientific Data, NIOZ researchers have made the data from the SIBES research programme from 2008 to 2021 available to the community. In SIBES, all tidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea are sampled annually for…
Thursday 07 November 2024
ORC Funding for impacts offshore wind farms North Sea
A consortium of Dutch scientists start a five-year research project on the effects of offshore wind farms on North Sea ecology and economic activities. NWO awarded the NO REGRETS project 6.7 million euros. The program is coordinated by Myron Peck of…
Wednesday 24 April 2024
Herring arrives earlier in the Wadden Sea due to climate change, shows extreme long-term research
Due to the changing climate, young herring arrive in the Wadden Sea earlier and earlier in spring. That is shown in a new publication by NIOZ ecologists Mark Rademaker, Myron Peck and Anieke van Leeuwen, in this month's journal Global Change Biology.…
Tuesday 09 April 2024
Impact of climate change on marine life much bigger than previously known
Fish and invertebrate animals are far more affected by warmer and more acidic seawater than was previously known. This is the conclusion of a study co-led by NIOZ marine biologist Katharina Alter, based on a new analysis method and published in the…
Wednesday 13 March 2024
Significant impact of global warming on biodiversity in European seas
Over the past 40 years, the Atlantic Ocean has experienced a tropicalization of its communities, with an increase in the abundance of warmer-water species, while the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea, where warming has been more rapid, have seen a…
Thursday 30 March 2023
Myron Peck co-chair of Biodiversa+ hub
NIOZ climate researcher Myron Peck is appointed a co-chair of the BiodivClim knowledge hub on the ‘Potential of Nature-based solutions for mitigation and adapting to climate change’. The hub is part of Biodiversa+, a biodiversity partnership funding…
Tuesday 21 February 2023
Developing digital twins to help understand ecosystems
LTER-LIFE aims to study and predict how global change affects ecosystems. It is one of nine projects that have just won Dutch funding earmarked for setting up and improving large-scale research infrastructure. LTER stands for Long-term Ecosystem…
Monday 22 August 2022
EU-Horizon Europe funding for ACTNOW project
Human activities have created unprecedented, cumulative threats resulting in stunning losses of biodiversity in our oceans. This is leading to well‐documented declines in seafood resources, losses of iconic and culturally valuable habitats, and…
Wednesday 15 June 2022
Myron Peck appointed special professor of Life Cycle Ecophysiology of Marine Animals
The executive board of Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has appointed prof. Dr. Myron Peck as special professor Life Cycle Ecophysiology of Marine Animals. The chair commenced on June 1 and is funded by the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea…
Tuesday 14 June 2022
Myron Peck presents EU commission on effects of climate change on fish and shellfish stocks
Prof. Myron Peck was invited by the European Commission, Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DGMARE) to share recent information on the effects of climate change on fish and shellfish stocks. The presentation in Brussels was part…

Linked blogs

Monday 19 June 2023
ACTNOW Expedition June 2023
The 10 day cruise to sample the Doggers bank is organised in the framework of the EU project ACTNOW*. The aim is to collect data on different elements of the food web simultaneously: from phytoplankton (the small “plants” in the sea) via grazing…

NIOZ publications

  • 2024
    Alter, K.; Jacobs, P.; Delre, A.; Rasch, B.; Philippart, C.J.M.; Peck, M.A. (2024). Oyster larvae used for ecosystem restoration benefit from increased thermal fluctuation. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 198: 115750.
    Alter, K.; Jacquemont, J.; Claudet, J.; Lattuca, M.E.; Barrantes, M.E.; Marras, S.; Manriquez, P.H.; González, C.P.; Fernández, D.A.; Peck, M.A.; Cattano, C.; Milazzo, M.; Mark, F.C.; Domenici, P. (2024). Hidden impacts of ocean warming and acidification on biological responses of marine animals revealed through meta-analysis. Nature Comm. 15(1): 2885.
    Chatzimentor, A.; Doxa, A.; Butenschön, M.; Kristiansen, T.; Peck, M.A.; Katsanevakis, S.; Mazaris, A.D. (2024). Diving into warming oceans: Assessing 3D climatically suitable foraging areas of loggerhead sea turtles under climate change. J. Nat. Conserv. 79: 126620.
    Chust, G.; Villarino, E.; McLean, M.; Mieszkowska, N.; Benedetti-Cecchi, L.; Bulleri, F.; Ravaglioli, C.; Borja, A.; Muxika, I.; Fernandes-Salvador, J.A.; Ibaibarriaga, L.; Uriarte, A.; Revilla, M.; Villate, F.; Iriarte, A.; Uriarte, I.; Zervoudaki, S.; Carstensen, J.; Somerfield, P.J.; Queirós, A.M.; McEvoy, A.J.; Auber, A.; Hidalgo, M.; Coll, M.; Garrabou, J.; Gómez-Gras, D.; Linares, C.; Ramírez, F.; Margarit, N.; Lepage, M.; Dambrine, C.; Lobry, J.; Peck, M.A.; de la Barra, P.; van Leeuwen, A.; Rilov, G.; Yeruham, E.; Brind’Amour, A.; Lindegren, M. (2024). Cross-basin and cross-taxa patterns of marine community tropicalization and deborealization in warming European seas. Nature Comm. 15(1): 2126.
    Read more
    Fortuna, C.M.; Fortibuoni, T.; Bueno-Pardo, J.; Coll, M.; Franco, A.; Giménez, J.; Stranga, Y.; Peck, M.A.; Claver, C.; Brasseur, S.; Fernández-Corredor, E.; Fraschetti, S.; Garcia-Garin, O.; van Leeuwen, A.; Louzao, M.; Pedrajas, A.; Raicevich, S.; Ramírez, F.; Ransijn, J.; Russell, D.; Serena, F.; Sbragaglia, V.; Katsanevakis, S. (2024). Top predator status and trends: ecological implications, monitoring and mitigation strategies to promote ecosystem-based management. Front. Mar. Sci. 11: 1282091.
    Jacobs, P.; Serre-Fredj, L.; Koeman, R.; van den Oever, A.; Peck, M.A.; Philippart, C.J.M. (2024). Impacts of counting protocols for light microscopy on estimates of biodiversity and algal density of phytoplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr., Methods Early view.
    Kristiansen, T.; Butenschön, M.; Peck, M.A. (2024). Statistically downscaled CMIP6 ocean variables for European waters. NPG Scientific Reports 14(1).
    Peck, M.A.; Catalán, I.A.; Garrido, S.; Rykaczewski, R.R.; Asch, R.G.; McDowell, J.R.; Hazen, E.L.; Kaplan, I.C. (2024). Small pelagic fish: new frontiers in ecological research. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 741: 1-6.
    Rademaker, M.; Peck, M.A.; van Leeuwen, A. (2024). Local reflects global: Life stage‐dependent changes in the phenology of coastal habitat use by North Sea herring. Glob. Chang. Biol. 30(4): e17285.
    Rose, K.A.; Holsman, K.; Nye, J.A.; Markowitz, H.; Banha, T.N.S.; Bednaršek, N.; Bueno-Pardo, J.; Deslauriers, D.; Fulton, E.A.; Huebert, K.B.; Huret, M.; Ito, S.; Li, L.; Moustahfid, H.; Muhling, B.A.; Neubauer, P.; Paula, J.R.; Siddon, C.; Skogen, M.D.; Spencer, P.D.; van Denderen, P.D.; van der Meeren, G.I.; Peck, M.A. (2024). Advancing bioenergetics-based modeling to improve climate change projections of marine ecosystems. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 732: 193-221.
    Ruthsatz, K.; Dahlke, F.T.; Alter, K.; Wohlrab, S.; Eterovick, P.C.; Lyra, M.L.; Gippner, S.; Cooke, S.J.; Peck, M.A. (2024). Acclimation capacity to global warming of amphibians and freshwater fishes: Drivers, patterns, and data limitations. Glob. Chang. Biol. 30(5): e17318.
    Skogen, M.D.; Aarflot, J.M.; García-García, L.M.; Ji, R.; Ruiz-Villarreal, M.; Almroth-Rosell, E.; Belgrano, A.; Benkort, D.; Daewel, U.; Edman, M.; Friedland, R.; Gao, S.; Hill-Cruz, M.; Hjøllo, S.S.; Huret, M.; Kellner, J.B.; van Leeuwen, S.; van Leeuwen, S.; Maar, M.; Mousing, E.A.; Peck, M.A.; Pastor Rollan, A.; Sailley, S.F.; Saraiva, S.; Speakman, C.; Troost, T.; Yumruktepe, V.Ç. (2024). Bridging the gap: integrating models and observations for better ecosystem understanding. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 739: 257-268.
  • 2023
    Akimova, A.; Peck, M.A.; Börner, G.; van Damme, C.; Moyano, M. (2023). Combining modeling with novel field observations yields new insights into wintertime food limitation of larval fish. Limnol. Oceanogr. 68(8): 1865-1879.
    Hauss, H.; Schwabe, L.; Peck, M.A. (2023). The costs and trade‐offs of optimal foraging in marine fish larvae. J. Anim. Ecol. 92(5): 1016-1028.
    Lattuca, M.E.; Vanella, F.A.; Malanga, G.; Rubel, M.D.; Manríquez, P.H.; Torres, R.; Alter, K:; Marras, S.; Peck, M.A.; Domenici, P.; Fernández, D.A. (2023). Ocean acidification and seasonal temperature extremes combine to impair the thermal physiology of a sub-Antarctic fish. Sci. Total Environ. 856: 159284.
    Mazaris, A.D.; Dimitriadis, C.; Papazekou, M.; Schofield, G.; Doxa, A.; Chatzimentor, A.; Turkozan, O.; Katsanevakis, S.; Lioliou, A.; Abalo-Morla, S.; Aksissou, M.; Arcangeli, A.; Attard, V.; El Hili, H.; Atzori, F.; Belda, E.; Ben Nakhla, L.; Berbash, A.A.; Bjorndal, K.A.; Broderick, A.C.; Camiñas, J.A.; Candan, O.; Cardona, L.; Cetkovic, I.; Dakik, N.; de Lucia, G.A.; Dimitrakopoulos, P.G.; Diryaq, S.; Favilli, C.; Fortuna, C.M.; Fuller, W.J.; Gallon, S.; Hamza, .; Jribi, I.; Ben Ismail, M.; Kamarianakis, Y.; Kaska, Y.; Korro, K.; Koutsoubas, D.; Lauriano, G.; Lazar, B.; March, D.; Marco, A.; Minotou, C.; Monsinjon, J.R.; Naguib, N.M.; Palialexis, A.; Piroli, V.; Sami, K.; Sönmez, B.; Sourbès, L.; Sözbilen, D.; Vandeperre, F.; Vignes, P.; Xanthakis, M.; Köpsel, V.; Peck, M.A. (2023). Priorities for Mediterranean marine turtle conservation and management in the face of climate change. J. Environ. Manage. 339: 117805.
    Moullec, F; Barrier, N.; Guilhaumon, F.; Peck, M.A.; Ulses, C.; Shin, Y.J. (2023). Rebuilding Mediterranean marine resources under climate change. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 708: 1-20.
    O'Leary, B.C.; Fonseca, C.; Cornet, C.C.; de Vries, M.B.; Degia, A.K.; Failler, P.; Furlan, E.; Garrabou, J.; Gil, A.; Hawkins, J.P.; Krause-Jensen, D.; Le Roux, X.; Peck, M.A.; Pérez, G.; Queirós, A.M.; Różyński, G.; Sanchez-Arcilla, A.; Simide, R.; Sousa Pinto, I.; Trégarot, E.; Roberts, C.M. (2023). Embracing Nature-based Solutions to promote resilient marine and coastal ecosystems. Nature-Based Solutions 3: 100044.
    Robert, D.; Shoji, J.; Sirois, P.; Takasuka, A.; Catalán, I. A.; Folkvord, A.; Ludsin, S. A.; Peck, M. A.; Sponaugle, S.; Ayón, P. M.; Brodeur, R. D.; Campbell, E. Y.; D'Alessandro, E. K.; Dower, J. F.; Fortier, L.; García, A. G.; Huebert, K. B.; Hufnagl, M.; Ito, S.; Joh, M.; Juanes, F.; Nyuji, M.; Oozeki, Y.; Plaza, G.; Takahashi, M.; Tanaka, Y.; Tojo, N.; Watari, S.; Yasue, N.; Pepin, P. (2023). Life in the fast lane: Revisiting the fast growth—High survival paradigm during the early life stages of fishes. Fish Fish. 24(5): 863-888.
  • 2022
    Bils, F.; Aberle, N.; van Damme, C.J.G.; Peck, M.A.; Moyano, M. (2022). Role of protozooplankton in the diet of North Sea autumn spawning herring (Clupea harengus) larvae. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 169: 90.
    Gauger, M.F.W.; Romero-Vivas, E.; Peck, M.A.; Balart, E.F.; Caraveo-Patiño, J. (2022). Seasonal and diel influences on bottlenose dolphin acoustic detection determined by whistles in a coastal lagoon in the southwestern Gulf of California. PeerJ 10: e13246.
    Howald, S.; Moyano, M.; Crespel, A.; Kuchenmüller, L.L.; Cominassi, L.; Claireaux, G.; Peck, M.A.; Mark, F.C. (2022). Effects of ocean acidification over successive generations decrease resilience of larval European sea bass to ocean acidification and warming but juveniles could benefit from higher temperatures in the NE Atlantic. J. Exp. Biol. 225(9).
    Huang, A.T.; Alter, K:; Polte, P.; Peck, M.A. (2022). Disentangling seasonal from maternal effects on egg characteristics in western Baltic spring‐spawning herring Clupea harengus. J. Fish Biol. 101(6): 1428-1440.
    Lima, A.R.A; Baltazar-Soares, M.; Garrido, S.; Riveiro, I.; Carrera, P.; Piecho-Santos, A.M.; Peck, M.A.; Silva, G. (2022). Forecasting shifts in habitat suitability across the distribution range of a temperate small pelagic fish under different scenarios of climate change. Sci. Total Environ. 804: 150167.
    Lima, A.R.A; Garrido, S.; Riveiro, I.; Rodrigues, D.; Angélico, M.M.P.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Peck, M.A.; Silva, G. (2022). Seasonal approach to forecast the suitability of spawning habitats of a temperate small pelagic fish under a high-emission climate change scenario. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 956654.
    Moullec, F.; Barrier, N.; Drira, S.; Guilhaumon, F.; Hattab, T.; Peck, M.A.; Shin, Y.-J. (2022). Using species distribution models only may underestimate climate change impacts on future marine biodiversity. Ecol. Model. 464: 109826.
    Moyano, M.; Illing, B.; Akimova, A.; Alter, K.; Bartolino, V.; Börner, G.; Clemmesen, C.; Finke, A.; Gröhsler, T.; Kotterba, P.; Livdane, L.; Mittermayer, F.; Moll, D.; von Nordheim, L.; Peck, M.A.; Schaber, M.; Polte, P. (2023). Caught in the middle: bottom-up and top-down processes impacting recruitment in a small pelagic fish. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 33: 55-84.
    Ruthsatz, K.; Dausmann, K.H.; Peck, M.A.; Glos, J. (2022). Thermal tolerance and acclimation capacity in the European common frog (Rana temporaria) change throughout ontogeny. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 337(5): 477-490.
  • 2021
    Hamon, K.G.; Kreiss, C.M.; Pinnegar, J.K.; Bartelings, H.; Batsleer, J.; Catalán, I.A.; Damalas, D.; Poos, J.-J.; Rybicki, S.; Sailley, S.F.; Sgardeli, V.; Peck, M.A. (2021). Future socio-political scenarios for aquatic resources in Europe: an operationalized framework for marine fisheries projections. Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 578516.
    Köpsel, V.; de Moura Kiipper, G.; Peck, M.A. (2021). Stakeholder engagement vs. social distancing—how does the Covid-19 pandemic affect participatory research in EU marine science projects? Marit. Stud. 20: 189-205.
    Payne, M.R.; Kudahl, M.; Engelhard, G.H.; Peck, M.A.; Pinnegar, J.K. (2021). Climate risk to European fisheries and coastal communities. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118(40): e2018086118.
    Peck, M.A.; Alheit, J.; Bertrand, A.; Catalán, I.A.; Garrido, S.; Moyano, M.; Rykaczewski, R.; Takasuka, A.; Van Der Lingen, C.D. (2021). Small pelagic fish in the new millennium: a bottom-up view of global research effort. Prog. Oceanogr. 191: 102494.
    Pinnegar, J.K.; Hamon, K.G.; Kreiss, C.M.; Tabeau, A.; Rybicki, S.; Papathanasopoulou, E.; Engelhard, G.H.; Eddy, T.D.; Peck, M.A. (2021). Future Socio-Political Scenarios for Aquatic Resources in Europe: A Common Framework Based on Shared-Socioeconomic-Pathways (SSPs). Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 568219.
    Rioual, F.; Ofelio, C.; Rosado-Salazar, M.; Dionicio-Acedo, J.; Peck, M.A.; Aguirre-Velarde, A. (2021). Embryonic development and effect of temperature on larval growth of the Peruvian anchovy Engraulis ringens. J. Fish Biol. 99(6): 1804-1821.
  • 2020
    Ruthsatz, K.; Dausmann, K.H.; Paesler, K.; Babos, P.; Sabatino, N.M.; Peck, M.A.; Glos, J. (2020). Shifts in sensitivity of amphibian metamorphosis to endocrine disruption: the common frog (Rana temporaria) as a case study. Conservation Physiology 8(1): coaa100.

Linked projects

Diet of Gulls
Myron Peck
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research - Dynamisering
Project duration
1 Jun 2013 - 31 Dec 2018
Myron Peck
Belmont Forum - BiodivERsA
Project duration
1 Sep 2020 - 31 Dec 2022
Myron Peck
European Community || Horizon 2020
Project duration
1 Sep 2020 - 31 Aug 2024
ACTNOW_Advancing understanding of Cumulative Impacts on European marine biodiversity
Myron Peck
European Community
Project duration
1 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2026