Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Phone number
+31 (0)222 36 9355
Senior Laboratory Assistant
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Luc de Monte

Senior Laboratory Assistant

Research interests






Key-note publications



Professional education



Awards and Prized




Linked news

Friday 14 February 2025
Information about the entire intertidal Wadden Sea available for research and management
With a recent publication in the journal Scientific Data, NIOZ researchers have made the data from the SIBES research programme from 2008 to 2021 available to the community. In SIBES, all tidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea are sampled annually for…
Monday 21 September 2020
Adult Atlantic croakers in the NIOZ fyke
The Atlantic croaker (Dutch: knorrepos) is a common fish on the East Coast of America, but very rare on this side of the Atlantic ocean. "Since 2004 we have only caught a few juveniles in the NIOZ fyke, but in september 2020 we have caught 2 adult…

Linked blogs

Monday 07 August 2023
Fieldwork on red knots in Alaska, summer 2023
This blog is about NIOZ field work in Alaska during the summer of 2023, where we studied the impact of rapid Arctic climate change on the migratory red knot (Calidris canutus). Earlier work on the so-called ‘AfroSiberian red knot’ (C. canutus…
Tuesday 16 May 2023
Ecologisch onderzoek in de Waddenzee, 2023
Onderzoekers van het NIOZ volgen al jaren wat er gebeurt met het leven in de Waddenzee. Sommige datasets zijn al langer dan 30 jaar. Veranderingen in het bodemleven worden in kaart gebracht met het SIBES-project. Elk jaar worden dieren in ruim 5.000…
Thursday 11 August 2022
WATLAS fieldwork 2022 | Bonte strandlopers op Griend
Evy Gobbens verblijft deze zomer 11 weken op Griend om onderzoek te doen naar bonte strandlopers. Lees in deze blogserie het dagboek dat Evy bijhoudt over het wonen en werken op een onbewoond eiland middenin de Nederlandse Waddenzee.
Friday 02 October 2020
WATLAS fieldwork 2020 | Tracking Shorebirds in the Wadden Sea
The Wadden Sea is an important and unique site for many shorebirds. By tracking shorebirds, we study how shorebirds move with the tide, on which intertidal mudflats they feed, and how long they stay in the Wadden Sea on their migratory journeys. This…