Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Karel Bakker

Senior Research Assistant
Phone number
+31 (0)222 36 9500
Ocean Systems (OCS)
Senior Research Assistant

Linked news

Thursday 01 June 2017
Tijdschrift special over Nederlands Antarctisch Onderzoek
Het Dirck Gerritsz laboratorium is het eerste Nederlandse laboratorium op Antarctica. Het werd in januari 2013 feestelijk geopend door het Ministerie van OCW, als resultaat van goede samenwerking met de British Antarctic Survey (BAS). Na vier jaar…

Linked blogs

Monday 17 June 2024
NIOZ@Sea: The Weeds of Change expedition
The brown macroalgal genus Sargassum, the namesake of the Sargasso Sea, is an essential habitat and refuge for many organisms including endemic species. Historically, this so-called 'golden rainforest of the Atlantic Ocean' was constrained to the…
Tuesday 26 February 2019
NIOZ@SEA | FUNAMOX expedition in the southeast Atlantic
Off the coast of southwest Africa, currents force cold deep waters full of essential elements required for ocean life to the surface. This so-called upwelling has enormous impacts on the chemistry and biology of the water and sediment. We are sailing…

NIOZ publications

  • 2024
    van de Mortel, H.; Delaigue, L.; Humphreys, M.P.; Middelburg, J.J; Ossebaar, S.; Bakker, K.; Alexandre, J.P.T.; van Leeuwen-Tolboom, A.W.E.; Wolthers, M.; Sulpis, O. (2024). Laboratory observation of the buffering effect of aragonite dissolution at the seafloor. JGR: Biogeosciences 129(2): e2023JG007581.
  • 2022
    Humphreys, M.P.; Meesters, E.H.; de Haas, H.; Karancz, S.; Delaigue, L.; Bakker, K.; Duineveld, G.; de Goeyse, S.; Haas, A.F.; Mienis, F.; Ossebaar, S.; van Duyl, F.C. (2022). Dissolution of a submarine carbonate platform by a submerged lake of acidic seawater. Biogeosciences 19(2): 347-358.
  • 2021
    Jones, E.M.; Hoppema, M.; Bakker, K.; de Baar, H.J.W. (2021). Calcium carbonate saturation states along the West Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science 33(6): 575-595.
    Wall-Palmer, D.; Mekkes, L.; Ramos-Silva, P.; Dämmer, L.K.; Goetze, E.; Bakker, K.; Duijm, E.; Peijnenburg, K.T.C.A. (2021). The impacts of past, present and future ocean chemistry on predatory planktonic snails. Royal Society Open Science 8(8): 202265.
  • 2020
    Becker, S.; Aoyama, M.; Woodward, E.M.S.; Bakker, K.; Coverly, S.C.; Mahaffey, C.; Tanhua, T. (2020). GO-SHIP repeat hydrography nutrient manual: The precise and accurate determination of dissolved inorganic nutrients in seawater, using continuous flow analysis methods. Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 581970.
  • 2018
    Schlitzer,R.; Anderson,R.F.; Dodas,E.M.; Lohan,M.; Geibert,W.; Tagliabue,A.; Bowie,A.; Jeandel,C.; Maldonado,M.T.; Landing,W.M.; Cockwell,D.; Abadie,C.; Abouchami,W.; Achterberg,E.P.; Agather,A.; Aguliar-Islas,A.; van Aken,H.M.; Andersen,M.; Archer,C.; Auro,M.; de Baar,H.J.; Baars,O.; Baker,A.R.; Bakker,K.; Basak,C.; Baskaran,M.; Bates,N.R.; Bauch,D.; van Beek,P.; Behrens,M.K.; Black,E.; Bluhm,K.; Bopp,L.; Bouman,H.; Bowman,K.; Bown,J.; Boyd,P.; Boye,M.; Boyle,E.A.; Branellec,P.; Bridgestock,L.; Brissebrat,G.; Browning,T.; Bruland,K.W.; Brumsack,H.-J.; Brzezinski,M.; Buck,C.S.; Buck,K.N.; Buesseler,K.; Bull,A.; Butler,E.; Cai,P.; Mor,P.C.; Cardinal,D.; Carlson,C.; Carrasco,G.; Casacuberta,N.; Casciotti,K.L.; Castrillejo,M.; Chamizo,E.; Chance,R.; Charette,M.A.; Chaves,J.E.; Cheng,H.; Chever,F.; Christl,M.; Church,T.M.; Closset,I.; Colman,A.; Conway,T.M.; Cossa,D.; Croot,P.; Cullen,J.T.; Cutter,G.A.; Daniels,C.; Dehairs,F.; Deng,F.; Dieu,H.T.; Duggan,B.; Dulaquais,G.; Dumousseaud,C.; Echegoyen-Sanz,Y.; Edwards,R.L.; Ellwood,M.; Fahrbach,E.; Fitzsimmons,J.N.; Russell Flegal,A.; Fleisher,M.Q.; van de Flierdt,T.; Frank,M.; Friedrich,J.; Fripiat,F.; Fröllje,H.; Galer,S.J.G.; Gamo,T.; Ganeshram,R.S.; Garcia-Orellana,J.; Garcia-Solsona,E.; Gault-Ringold,M.; George,E.; Gerringa,L.J.A.; Gilbert,M.; Godoy,J.M.; Goldstein,S.L.; Gonzalez,S.R.; Grissom,K.; Hammerschmidt,C.; Hartman,A.; Hassler,C.S.; Hathorne,E.C.; Hatta,M.; Hawco,N.; Hayes,C.T.; Heimbürger,L.-E.; Helgoe,J.; Heller,M.; Henderson,G.M.; Henderson,P.B.; van Heuven,S.; Ho,P.; Horner,T.J.; Hsieh,Y.-T.; Huang,K.-F.; Humphreys,M.P.; Isshiki,K.; Jacquot,J.E.; Janssen,D.J.; Jenkins,W.J.; John,S.; Jones,E.M.; Jones,J.L.; Kadko,D.C.; Kayser,R.; Kenna,T.C.; Khondoker,R.; Kim,T.; Kipp,L.; Klar,J.K.; Klunder,M.; Kretschmer,S.; Kumamoto,Y.; Laan,P.; Labatut,M.; Lacan,F.; Lam,P.J.; Lambelet,M.; Lamborg,C.H.; Le Moigne,F.A.C.; Le Roy,E.; Lechtenfeld,O.J.; Lee,J.-M.; Lherminier,P.; Little,S.; López-Lora,M.; Lu,Y.; Masque,P.; Mawji,E.; Mcclain,C.R.; Measures,C.; Mehic,S.; Barraqueta,J.-L.M.; van der Merwe,P.; Middag,R.; Mieruch,S.; Milne,A.; Minami,T.; Moffett,J.W.; Moncoiffe,G.; Moore,W.S.; Morris,P.J.; Morton,P.L.; Nakaguchi,Y.; Nakayama,N.; Niedermiller,J.; Nishioka,J.; Nishiuchi,A.; Noble,A.; Obata,H.; Ober,S.; Ohnemus,D.C.; van Ooijen,J.; O'Sullivan,J.; Owens,S.; Pahnke,K.; Paul,M.; Pavia,F.; Pena,L.D.; Peters,B.; Planchon,F.; Planquette,H.; Pradoux,C.; Puigcorbé,V.; Quay,P.; Queroue,F.; Radic,A.; Rauschenberg,S.; Rehkämper,M.; Rember,R.; Remenyi,T.; Resing,J.A.; Rickli,J.; Rigaud,S.; Rijkenberg,M.J.A.; Rintoul,S.; Robinson,L.F.; Roca-Martí,M.; Rodellas,V.; Roeske,T.; Rolison,J.M.; Rosenberg,M.; Roshan,S.; Rutgers van der Loeff,M.M.; Ryabenko,E.; Saito,M.A.; Salt,L.A.; Sanial,V.; Sarthou,G.; Schallenberg,C.; Schauer,U.; Scher,H.; Schlosser,C.; Schnetger,B.; Scott,P.; Sedwick,P.N.; Semiletov,I.; Shelley,R.; Sherrell,R.M.; Shiller,A.M.; Sigman,D.M.; Singh,S.K.; Slagter,H.A.; Slater,E.; Smethie,W.M.; Snaith,H.; Sohrin,Y.; Sohst,B.; Sonke,J.E.; Speich,S.; Steinfeldt,R.; Stewart,G.; Stichel,T.; Stirling,C.H.; Stutsman,J.; Swarr,G.J.; Swift,J.H.; Thomas,A.; Thorne,K.; Till,C.P.; Till,R.; Townsend,A.T.; Townsend,E.; Tuerena,R.; Twining,B.S.; Vance,D.; Velazquez,S.; Venchiarutti,C.; Villa-Alfageme,M.; Vivancos,S.M.; Voelker,A.H.L.; Wake,B.; Warner,M.J.; Watson,R.; van Weerlee,E.; Alexandra Weigand,M.; Weinstein,Y.; Weiss,D.; Wisotzki,A.; Woodward,E.M.S.; Wu,J.; Wu,Y.; Wuttig,K.; Wyatt,N.; Xiang,Y.; Xie,R.C.; Xue,Z.; Yoshikawa,H.; Zhang,J.; Zhang,P.; Zhao,Y.; Zheng,L.; Zheng,X.-Y.; Zieringer,M.; Zimmer,L.A.; Ziveri,P.; Zunino,P.; Zurbrick,C. (2018). The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017. Chem. Geol. 493: 210-223.
  • 2017
    Bown, J.; Laan, P. ; Ossebaar, S.; Bakker, K.; Rozema, P.; de Baar, H. (2017). Bioactive trace metal time series during Austral summer in Ryder Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 139: 103-119.
  • 2015
    Aoyama, M.; Bakker, K.; van Ooijen, J.; Ossebaar, S.; Woodward, E.M.S. (2015). Report from an International Nutrient Workshop focusing on Phosphate Analysis. Yang Yang Publisher: Fukushima, Japan. ISBN 9784908583018. 78 pp.
    Fernández-Méndez, M.; Katlein, C.; Rabe, B.; Nicolaus, M.; Peeken, I.; Bakker, K.; Flores, H.; Boetius, A. (2015). Photosynthetic production in the central Arctic Ocean during the record sea-ice minimum in 2012. Biogeosciences 12: 3525-3549.
    Hoppema, M.; Bakker, K.; van Heuven, S.; van Ooijen, J.C.; de Baar, H.J.W. (2015). Distributions, trends and inter-annual variability of nutrients along a repeat section through the Weddell Sea (1996–2011). Mar. Chem. 177(part 3): 545–553.
    Mawji, E.; Schlitzer, R.; Dodas, E.M.; Abadie, C.; Abouchami, W.; Anderson, R.F.; Baars, O.; Bakker, K.; Baskaran, M.; Bates, N.R.; Bluhm, K.; Bowie, A.; Bown, J.; Boye, M.; Boyle, E.A.; Branellec, P.; Bruland, K.W.; Brzezinski, M.A.; Bucciarelli, E.; Buesseler, K.; Butler, E.; Cai, P.; Cardinal, D.; Casciotti, K.; Chaves, J.; Cheng, H.; Chever, F.; Church, T.M.; Colman, A.S.; Conway, T.M.; Croot, P.L.; Cutter, G.A.; de Baar, H.J.W; de Souza, G.F.; Dehairs, F.; Deng, F.; Dieu, H.T.; Dulaquais, G.; Echegoyen-Sanz, Y.; Lawrence Edwards, R.; Fahrbach, E.; Fitzsimmons, J.; Fleisher, M.; Frank, M.; Friedrich, J.; Fripiat, F.; Galer, S.J.G.; Gamo, T.; Solsona, E.G.; Gerringa, L.J.A.; Godoy, J.M.; Gonzalez, S.; Grossteffan, E.; Hatta, M.; Hayes, C.T.; Heller, M.I.; Henderson, G.; Huang, K.; Jeandel, C.; Jenkins, W.J.; John, S.; Kenna, T.C.; Klunder, M.B.; Kretschmer, S.; Kumamoto, Y.; Laan, P.; Labatut, M.; Lacan, F.; Lam, P.J.; Lannuzel, D.; le Moigne, F.; Lechtenfeld, O.J.; Lohan, M.C.; Lu, Y.; Masqué, P.; McClain, C.R.; Measures, C.; Middag, R.; Moffett, J.; Navidad, A.; Nishioka, J.; Noble, A.; Obata, H.; Ohnemus, D.C.; Owens, S.; Planchon, F.; Pradoux, C.; Puigcorbé, V.; Quay, P.; Radic, A.; Rehkämper, M.; Remenyi, T.; Rijkenberg, M.J.; Rintoul, S.; Robinson, L.F.; Roeske, T.; Rosenberg, M.; van der Loeff, M.R.; Ryabenko, E.; Saito, M.A.; Roshan, S.; Salt, L.; Sarthou, G.; Schauer, U.; Scott, P.; Sedwick, P.N.; Sha, L.; Shiller, A.M.; Sigman, D.M.; Smethie, W.; Smith, G.J.; Sohrin, Y.; Speich, S.; Stichel, T.; Stutsman, J.; Swift, J.H.; Tagliabue, A.; Thomas, A.; Tsunogai, U.; Twining, B.S.; van Aken, H.M.; van Heuven, S.; van Ooijen, J.; van Weerlee, E.M.; Venchiarutti, C.; Voelker, A.H.L.; Wake, B.; Warner, M.J.; Woodward, E.M.S.; Wu, J.; Wyatt, N.; Yoshikawa, H.; Zheng, X.; Xue, Z.; Zieringer, M.; Zimmer, L.A. (2015). The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2014. Mar. Chem. 177(Part 1): 1-8.
    Rijkenberg, M.J.; de Baar, H.J.W.; Bakker, K.; Gerringa, L.J.A.; Keijzer, E.; Laan, M.; Laan, P.; Middag, R.; Ober, S.; van Ooijen, J.; Ossebaar, S.; van Weerlee, E.M.; Smit, M. (2015). “PRISTINE”, a new high volume sampler for ultraclean sampling of trace metals and isotopes. Mar. Chem. 177(Part 3): 501–509.
  • 2013
    Boetius, A.; Albrecht, S.; Bakker, K.; Bienhold, C.; Felden, J.; Fernández-Méndez, M.; Hendricks, S.; Katlein, C.; Lalande, C.; Krumpen, T.; Nicolaus, M.; Peeken, I.; Rabe, B.; Rogacheva, A.; Rybakova, E.; Somavilla, R.; Wenzhöfer, F.; Shipboard Science Party (2013). Export of algal biomass from the melting Arctic Sea ice. Science (Wash.) 339(6126): 1430-1432.
  • 2012
    Klunder, M.B.; Laan, P.; Middag, R.; de Baar, H.J.W.; Bakker, K. (2012). Dissolved iron in the Arctic Ocean: Important role of hydrothermal sources, shelf input and scavenging removal. J. Geophys. Res. 117.
    Roeske, T.; Rutgers van der Loeff, M.; Middag, R.; Bakker, K. (2012). Deep water circulation and composition in the Arctic Ocean by dissolved barium, aluminium and silicate. Mar. Chem. 132: 56-67.
  • 2011
    Bauch, D.; Rutgers van der Loeff, M.; Andersen, N.; Torres-Valdes, S.; Bakker, K.; Abrahamsen, E.Povl (2011). Origin of freshwater and polynya water in the Arctic Ocean halocline in summer 2007. Prog. Oceanogr. 91(4): 482-495.