Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

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Sampling of the Rhine River water, March 2016, Karlsruhe.

I work within the ERC Diol and my main focus is the study of terrigenous diols and their impact on the marine realm, especially on the applicability of the diols indices.

My main research areas are:

  • The Rhine, Godavari and Danube rivers (in collaboration with U. Utrecht and ETH Zurich)
  • The Gulf of Lion, Amazon shelf, Kara Sea and Berau delta
  • The Okhotsk Sea (in collaboration with U. Cambridge)
  • The Arabian Sea (in collaboration with the BGR)
  • The Baltic Sea
  • The Zambezi and Nile river mouths (in collaboration with U. Tubingen and MARUM)

Study locations

I workd in multiple fields, from extracting lipids from marine sediments to extracting DNA from river water flters but also analysing marine surface sediments, riverine sediments and riverine water. Multi proxies study allow us to better understand a complex system.

From left to right: Drying of a polar lipid fraction extracted from Arabian Sea sediments, river water filter from the Rhine River and multicore from the Black Sea

Cruise/Field work:

  • 2017- cruise with the R/V Pelagia to the Black Sea (64PE418): Anoxic environments. Blog:
  • 2016-field trip to the Rhine River to sample water to enravel the mysteries of the diols.


  • Best student presentation IMOG 2017
  • Bio Art and Design (BAD) award winner in collaboration with Rose Leahy and Amanda Baum - Grand opening at MU Eindhoven on the 30th November 2018


  • 2014-Master es Geology (Paleoclimate, paleontology, paleoenvironments)-Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
  • 2012-Bachelor of Science (Geology)-Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon

Published work:

Balzano S., Lattaud J., Rampen S., Villanueva L., Brussaard C., van Bleijsweijk J., Bale N., Sinninghe Damsté J.S., Schouten S. (2018) A quest for the biological sources of long chain alkyl diols in the western tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Biogeosciences 15, 5951-5968,

Lattaud J., Kirkels F., Peterse F., Freymond C., Eglinton T.I., Mollenhauer G., Balzano S., Villanueva L., van der Meer M., Hopmans E.C., Sinninghe Damsté J.S. and Schouten S. (2018) Distribution and sources of long chain diols in rivers. Biogeosciences 15, 4147-4161,

Lattaud J., Lo L., Huang J-J., Chou Y-M., Gorbarenko S.A., Sinninghe Damsté J.S., Schouten S. (2018) A comparison of Late Quaternary paleotemperature records of the central Sea of Okhotsk based on organic proxies. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology,

Lo L, Belt S., Lattaud J., Friedrich T., Zeeden C., Schouten S., Smik L., Timmermann A., Cabedo-Sanz P., Huand J.-J., Zhou L., Ou T.-H., Chang Y.-P., Wang L.-C., Chou Y.-M., Shen C.-C., Chen M.-T., Wei K.-Y., Son S.-R., Fang T.-H., Gobarenko S.A., Wang W.-L., Lee T.-Q., Elderfield H., Hodell D.A. (2018) Precession and atmospheric CO2 modulated variability of sea ice in the central Okhotsk Sea since 130,000 years ago. Earth and Planetary Science Letter, 488, 36-45,

Lattaud J., Dorhout D., Schulz H., E. Schefuss, Castaneda I., Sinninghe Damsté J.S., Schouten S. (2017) The C32 alkane-1,15-diol as a proxy of late Quaternary riverine input in coastal margins. Climate of the Past, 13, 1049-1061. 10.5194/cp-13-1049-2017.

Lattaud J., Kim J.-H., De Jonge C., Zell C., Sinninghe Damsté J.S., Schouten S. (2017) The C32 alkane-1,15-diol as a tracer for riverine input in coastal seas. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, 202, 146-158. 10.1016/j.gca.2016.12.030.

Sampling of the Rhine river water, September 2016, Cologne.