Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

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Designing and mantaining websites, photo & video, communication & social media

The biggest challenges in my work consists of designing  websites. I enyoyed the time working on the department Communication. Now there is a new challenge for me as a research assistent on the  department Coastal Systems.


For seven years I have worked in this organisation as a project manager of the WaLTER project. Besides running the central office, I was responsible for the external communication and the maintenance of the project website. Before this assignment I have had various jobs. When I almost finished my study Communication and Desktop Publishing, I worked at the union for the graphics sector in Amsterdam. Although I missed the graphic challenges, it was an interesting function which made me stay working there for a number of years. During these years I was also active in all kinds of communication issues such as company logo design and house style development.

In 1995 I moved to the Island Texel and became a local reporter specialized in the life stories of new Texelaars. At NIOZ I was very lucky to use my creative working experience again. The tasks I’m most interested in are developing, designing and maintaining websites. Since May 2017, I have been appointed as a research assistant for the department of Coastal Systems. This also includes the continuation of my work on the websites Walterwaddenmonitor, AcroporaNet, Flatfishsympoisa, and parts of the NIOZ website.








Professional education




- 2015: Vredeman De Vries Prijs voor Vormgeving - a special honorable mention by professional jury

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From left to right:
Katja Philippart (NIOZ) Durk Pieter Noordenbos and Sanne Hiddema (BW H), Ingrid de Raad (NIOZ).

From the jury report of the Vredeman de Vries Prize for Design: 'It is important for the future of the Wadden region that we now have a website that offers such a good overview of many themes and all that plays. wat er allemaal speelt. Substantially strong, elegant and functional.'





Report covers

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