Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Phone number
+31 (0)222 36 9564
Ocean Systems (OCS)
PhD student
Universiteit Utrecht
Gert-Jan Reichart

Guangnan Wu

PhD student

Research interests:

My research interests lie primary in the area of carbon, nutrient, and metal cycling in natural environments. My programme of research at NIOZ will explore the potential of reusing dredged harbour sediment as a useful building material by adding olivine admixture. The overall goal is to enhance the physicochemical properties of dredged harbour sediment, mitigate the environmental impact of its application, and therefore improve the sustainable use and management of sea. The major focus of my research effort will be on investigating the carbon, nutrient, and metal dynamics corresponding to various sediment/olivine mixture scenarios.

Linked blogs

Monday 22 August 2022
BLOG I-Nano cruise | Exploring deep-sea nanomaterials
Nanomaterials and nanoparticles are usually connected with high-tech industrial processes. But they have been a natural part of our planet from the very beginning, they show unique catalytic capabilities that may have (had) a major influence on…

Linked projects

Transforming harbour sediments from waste product into resource
Peter Kraal
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
Project duration
1 Jun 2020 - 31 Dec 2025