Wadden Sea fieldwork - planning and executing, trying to understand all the difficulties that surround Wadden Sea fieldwork and solving the puzzle to make it happen (practicality/ equipment/ ships/ tides/ weather/ living organisms/ salinity/ fouling etc.)
Wadden Sea underwater animal identification (micro to macro) - fish and benthos specialist with zooplankton experience. Identifying all underwater animals up to a reasonable level, and identifying a lot of different animals up to a very specific level
Fish dissection - identification, sexing, otolith/organ extraction, stomach content analysis
Public outreach - general enjoyment of the artistic side of science, and trying to explain something to an interested audience in a way that is understandable
Biology and Medical Research (major) - Biotechnology (minor) - Hanzehogeschool Groningen
Laboratory Animal Science - Species Specific Fish Course - KNAW
Introduction to fish larvae identification workshop - SAHFOS
International Certificate of Competence for inland waters and coastal waters - CBR (klein vaarbewijs II)
VHF certificate - CBR (basiscertificaat marifonie)
Survival at Sea - DHTC (2013)
Seafarer medical certificate - ILT (2013)
Instructie Verantwoord Alcoholgebruik - NIGZ
many years of experience working at NIOZ within multiple projects
SIBES fieldwork compilation (1min)
New Research Fleet | RV Adriaen Coenen 'Making the invisible visible' (EN Subtitles)
feeding the fishes at NIOZ (2015)
SIBES onderzoek 1 juli 2020_kijkje in kombuis
Storm op zee, SIBES onderzoek op Waddenzee 28 juni 2020
Farewell to RV Navicula: een laatste ronde aan boord van de RV Navicula
NIOZ - SIBES fieldwork - explanation compilation (original version)