Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Phone number
+31 (0)222 36 9481
Research Assistant
  • Wadden Sea fieldwork (Fyke, SIBES, WATLAS, Waddenmozaïek, Ballastwater)
  • Wadden Sea underwater animal identification
  • Fish dissection
  • ISO 9001:2015 certification
  • 'fish and benthos specialist with zooplankton experience'

Ing. Dennis Mosk

Research Assistant

Research interests

Wadden Sea fieldwork - planning and executing, trying to understand all the difficulties that surround Wadden Sea fieldwork and solving the puzzle to make it happen (practicality/ equipment/ ships/ tides/ weather/ living organisms/ salinity/ fouling etc.)

Wadden Sea underwater animal identification (micro to macro) - fish and benthos specialist with zooplankton experience. Identifying all underwater animals up to a reasonable level, and identifying a lot of different animals up to a very specific level

Fish dissection - identification, sexing, otolith/organ extraction, stomach content analysis

Public outreach - general enjoyment of the artistic side of science, and trying to explain something to an interested audience in a way that is understandable



  • SIBES expedition leader
  • Fyke fieldwork leader
  • Wadden Sea underwater animal identification
  • Fish dissection (supervision and execution)
  • SIBES Quality Manager (ISO 9001:2015)
  • Staff association (PV) boardmember
  • Caretaker of the NIOZ public aquaria
  • Wadden Sea fieldwork in general







Biology and Medical Research (major) - Biotechnology (minor) - Hanzehogeschool Groningen

Laboratory Animal Science - Species Specific Fish Course - KNAW

Introduction to fish larvae identification workshop - SAHFOS 

International Certificate of Competence for inland waters and coastal waters - CBR (klein vaarbewijs II)

VHF certificate - CBR (basiscertificaat marifonie)

Survival at Sea - DHTC (2013)

Seafarer medical certificate - ILT (2013)

Instructie Verantwoord Alcoholgebruik - NIGZ

many years of experience working at NIOZ within multiple projects


Awards and Prized





Linked news

Friday 14 February 2025
Information about the entire intertidal Wadden Sea available for research and management
With a recent publication in the journal Scientific Data, NIOZ researchers have made the data from the SIBES research programme from 2008 to 2021 available to the community. In SIBES, all tidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea are sampled annually for…
Thursday 29 October 2020
Zeer zeldzame Gaffelmakreel in de NIOZ fuik in het Marsdiep
Op 8 oktober 2020 werd een bijzondere vis aangetroffen in het Marsdiep (Texel) in de visfuik die het NIOZ al sinds 1960 gebruikt om veranderingen in de visfauna in de Waddenzee te volgen. Het ging om een Gaffelmakreel Trachinotus ovatus van bijna 32…
Monday 21 September 2020
Adult Atlantic croakers in the NIOZ fyke
The Atlantic croaker (Dutch: knorrepos) is a common fish on the East Coast of America, but very rare on this side of the Atlantic ocean. "Since 2004 we have only caught a few juveniles in the NIOZ fyke, but in september 2020 we have caught 2 adult…
Friday 12 June 2020
Rare parasites found in the NIOZ fyke
On the Friday morning 12th June, Dennis Mosk and Maureen Sikkema found a thick-lipped mullet in the NIOZ fyke with a large parasite attached to it’s anal fin. They regularly find parasites on fish from the NIOZ fyke, but this type of parasite is not…

Linked blogs

Thursday 18 June 2020
NIOZ@Sea I Waddenzee onderzoek SIBES 2020
De RV Navicula is voor het dertiende jaar op rij vertrokken naar de Waddenzee voor het SIBES onderzoek. Dit Synoptic Intertidal Benthic Survey of the Wadden Sea (SIBES) project, bemonstert op duizenden punten alle droogvallende delen van de…