Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

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Research Interests

My interests are quite broad, but I am particularly interested in how individual differences influence movement and foraging behaviour.

I finished my PhD in 2020, supervised by Joah Madden at the University of Exeter, where I worked to understand how individual differences in spatial cognition influenced different aspects of movement ecology such as habitat selection or path structure. My study species was the pheasant and after testing juveniles on various cognitive tests, I tracked their movements in the wild, first with RFID but later with an ATLAS system.

I am currently completing a post-doc with Allert Bijleveld working on the movement ecology of red knots. We are using the Wadden sea ATLAS system (WATLAS) to answer questions about how personality and environmental factors can influence the movement strategies of individuals.



Post Doctoral Researcher



Please find my list of publications on Google Scholar

You can also download my publications on ResearchGate.


Professional education

2008-2012 BSc (Hons) Zoology, University of Manchester
2014-2015 MSc (by research) Animal Behaviour, Manchester Metropolitan University
2015-2020 PhD "Exploring the relationship between spatial cognitive ability and movement ecology", University of Exeter 


Awards and Prizes


