Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

MSc. Ben Cala

PhD student
Phone number
+31 (0)222 36 9361
Ocean Systems (OCS)
PhD student
Universiteit Utrecht
Gert-Jan Reichart

Linked blogs

Tuesday 28 January 2025
NIOZ@Sea: The TIP-TOP Expedition
Several tipping points in Earth’s system could be crossed in the near future due to human activities, and hence there is a need to understand such potential abrupt changes on Earth. During this cruise, an international team of researchers, led by…
Monday 13 February 2023
64PE513 NIOZ@Sea blog: The BEYΩND expedition
Many marine plants and animals use carbonate minerals to build their shells and skeletons. The most well-known examples include coral and shellfish, but several important groups of plankton (organisms that spend their lives afloat in the ocean) do…