Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

BSc. Bas de Wit

Research Assistant
Research Assistant

Linked news

Friday 14 February 2025
Information about the entire intertidal Wadden Sea available for research and management
With a recent publication in the journal Scientific Data, NIOZ researchers have made the data from the SIBES research programme from 2008 to 2021 available to the community. In SIBES, all tidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea are sampled annually for…

Linked blogs

Monday 15 May 2023
Marine biodiversity in the Ems Dollart area
As part of the project Wadden Mosaic, the habitats and biodiversity of the subtidal Wadden are mapped for the first time - the part of the Dutch Wadden Sea that is permanently submerged. The Wadden Sea is a nature area of international and national…