Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


The highly specific instruments that are deployed in and on the open ocean are not always available. Most instruments are adapted, designed, developed and tested in close collaboration between scientists of the department of Ocean Systems (Deep Sea and Technology Centre) and the technicians of the National Marine research Facilities (NMF). Their joint experience and expertise and the seagoing equipment itself is also available to the marine and maritime research community. NIOZ has a long-lasting tradition of assisting our colleagues from the national and international scientific marine community with the development and customization of specific technical sea-going instruments in joint research projects. Do you also need some help or would you like to collaborate with us in an existing or new project? Please do not hestitate to contact us to discuss how we may proceed. On this page we showcase a number of technical highlights we have worked on recently.

3D-T mooring construction 

Where normally a line with a limited number of instruments between anchor weight and top-buoy are deployed as an oceanographic fix-point mooring, we launched 45 lines with 3000 high-precision temperature sensors simultaneously. This huge effort was carried out to gain insight in the three-dimensional development of breaking underwater waves and turbulence for the distribution of substances in the deep sea. 

Dust-collecting buoys

We deployed tethered buoys with autonomous dust collectors, powered by solar panels, which pump air through filters which we compare with satellite images and meteorological data. In 2012 we deployed these unique dust-collecting buoys for the first time and we re-visited them regularly to service the instruments and recover the samples that were collected during the past year. We have published some nice results in this showcase.