Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Building the dust buoy construction

The available facilities and enthusiasm of scientists and technicians at NIOZ produces a very creative atmosphere. In close collaboration with electro-technicians, we deployed tethered dust-collecting buoys with autonomous dust collectors, powered by solar panels, which pump air through filters. In addition, we placed moorings with sediment traps to collect material settling through the ocean. Both dust-collecting buoys and moorings provide time series of dust, as well as marine organic material which we compare with satellite images and meteorological data.

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Measuring instruments

Filter caroussel 

Additional information

In close collaboration with MARUM-Bremen, we have built dust-collecting buoys for the monotoring of temporal and spatial variability of Saharan dust transport.   We study Saharan dust transport by collecting it with instruments that we placed underneath the dust plume.  This study is financed by grants from both NWO and ERC.