Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research


Environmental and climate parameters in the geological past and in the present are reconstructed by using organic molecules produced by microorganisms

We have a strong interest in paleoclimatology proxies based on microbial lipids, isotope ecology (e.g., food web reconstructions based on bulk and compound specific stable isotope analyses), dissolved organic matter profiling using metabolomics, microbial lipid characterization, environmental lipidomics, lipid biomarker biosynthesis, and marine biogeochemical cycles.

News related to biogeochemistry work

How coastal seas help the ocean in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Measurement project for methane from the North Sea seabed

“Taste” and “smell” of coral reefs provide insights into dynamic marine ecosystems

Researchers unravelled how deep-sea sponge grounds can survive far away from common food sources

Linking fossil climate proxies to living bacteria helps climate predictions

Microphytobenthos in the Dutch Wadden Sea feeds on ‘left-overs’ in the bottom

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