Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Follow spoonbills from The Netherlands

In 2021, 20 juvenile spoonbills from The Netherlands can be followed. They were born on the Hoeckelingsdam in the IJmeer, near Amsterdam. If you see one in real life, and you are willing to contribute to this project, please use the observation form and follow the instructions.

General information

This study will teach us about the factors that shape migration routes of young spoonbills, which will affect the capacities and constraints of spoonbills in particular, and migratory birds in general, to adjust their migration routes to changes in their environment. In addition, tracking spoonbills with transmitters, as well as with colour-rings, gives us more insight into (changes in) the key areas that are used by spoonbills throughout the annual cycle and how site use is associated with survival. This information can be used to better protect the wetlands (e.g. estuaries, tidal basins, ricefields, salt ponds) that are of key importance for spoonbills, and likely also for many other water- and shorebirds. More project information

We need your help!

For the collection of data about the environment that the tracked juvenile spoonbills experience prior to and during their first southward migration, we strongly rely on data collected by citizen scientists. Below you will find more information on how to contribute to this project.

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