Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Net Primary Production

Net primary production in pelagic

Net primary production in pelagic
264 mg C m-2d-1=96.4 gr C m-2y-1=241 gr afdw m-2y-1

New phytoplankton biomass

Net primary production is the production of new phytoplankton biomass. It is the gross production minus excretion and respiration. Be aware that the production is expressed per square meter, which lead to the highest production in the deeper parts of the area ( =channels). It does not mean that the production per cubic meter in shallow parts of the area is lower. According this model the benthic production is one third of the pelagic production. 

Total benthic primary production

Total benthic primary production
29.4 mg C m-2d-1=10.7 gr C m-2y-1=26.8 gr afdw m-2y-1