NIOZ, the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, is the national oceanographic institute and the Netherlands’ centre of expertise for ocean, sea and coast. We advance fundamental understanding of marine systems, the way they change, the role they play in climate and biodiversity, and how they may provide sustainable solutions to society in the future.
We would like to invite you to the second edition of the National Ocean Science Conference! This day will allow you to hear what your fellow ocean experts are doing, expand your network and get inspired. Find more information and how to subscribe.
For five years, more than 20 researchers acquired new ecological knowledge about the subtidal nature of the Wadden Sea. The projects Wadden Mosaic (Waddenmozaïek) and Swimway Wadden Sea focused specifically on this aspect of the Wadden Sea nature.
Large fish species that live in the Wadden Sea in summer turn out to make quite a journey in winter. PhD student Jena Edwards discovered this by giving the fish a transmitter.
Our science is conducted in four scientific departments;. Three of them are area oriented: estuaries and delta areas, coastal seas and open oceans. Marine Microbiology and Biogeochemistry conducts science in all three area types.